9 Tips For Cooking With CBD Oil

Restaurants, bakeries, and bars all over the nation are now offering CBD-based foods, treats, and drinks. It’s become very common in states where cannabis products are legally distributed, but the online CBD marketplace has made it easier than ever for establishments to share their CBD goods.

CBD: establishing cannabis in the market

CBD, the more commonly known name for cannabidiol, is one of more than a hundred compounds found in the cannabis plant, and while there are several perceptions within the public around the benefits of CBD consumption, the most widely known fact about CBD is that it is non-psychoactive.

Could Hemp Really Replace Cotton?

Hemp, a member of the Cannabis sativa family, can trace its uses back to as early as 8000 BCE. Traditionally, the fiber of hemp was widely used to produce items such as clothing and fishing nets, while the oil was applied for cosmetic purposes. 

CBD Golden Milk

Before we get into this CBD Golden Milk recipe, let’s dive into the world of CBD or hemp oil. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound in marijuana. CBD is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid  found in cannabis. THC is the other most prominent cannabinoid found in cannabis, however, THC will get you high while CBD will not.